Woosmap guarantees the most relevant, most likely results in a few characters, the address suggestion is fast and very flexible on typos and common abbreviations.
Our rich search tools allow you to suggest nearby addresses and your own Points of Interest, autocomplete on city names, suburb names, postcodes and full addresses, geocode your locations and develop high-quality search experiences.
Be it E-commerce, Retail, Financial services, Logistics, or Mobility, each industry has its relevant Point of Interest that matters and needs tailored search experience.

“Suggesting nearby addresses with just a few thumb taps, cuts sign-up time by up to 64% and increase conversion rates by up to 15%”
Google’s research, 2015. On mobile, complete form is especially frustrating, to avoid drop-off we can suggest several APIs relevant to your use case.
Address & postcode finder
Offering autocompletion on city names, postcodes and full postal addresses, in some countries allows you to speed up the customer journey:
suggest a list of proposals with the most relevant, the most likely results with only part of the name typed in.
Our search algorithms have a high tolerance for typos.

Get the exact latitude and longitude of an address, with the level of accuracy (Rooftop, Geometric center, interpolated): display it on a map or perform a proximity search.
Use also filters on a specific country and language to restrict your results to specific areas.
With Reverse Geocoding retrieves the human-readable address with the type of location.

Your own data
Search among your own geographical data:
Search your Points of Interest by distance to a place or by proximity to a route, by their custom attributes, by catchment area or by autocompletion on names.

Automatic Geolocation
Retrieve visitor’s location to customise your website or use the nearest Point of Interest
Feature the relevant country, region and timezone, based on the IP address of your user, to use the appropriate currency, redirect to appropriate local website, display the availability of a product in the nearest point of sale or centre your map directly on the visitor’ geographical position.