Timothy H, Director, Consumer Goods
Address & Postcode finder with autocomplete
Find the right address and speed up the customer journey with autocompletion
Woosmap Localities API can be integrated behind any platform or mobile application as a tool to find, autocomplete, or cleanse addresses.

Worldwide coverage to search for addresses, postcodes, towns, cities, states, suburbs, counties, streets, train stations, airports, etc.
Global Address Finder
The Localities API works globally in all countries, including the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Our tool can retrieve any address in full.
See the list for full coverage here.
Postcode finder, Address lookup
Because raw data isn’t enough, our autocomplete algorithm finds the most relevant results with just a few letters and displays the most likely results first.
It also identifies common abbreviations, apostrophes, etc.

Enter a postcode, a town, a city, etc..
Type in
Type in a locality name...
Filter by
Type of location
No locality found
curl "https://api.woosmap.com/localities/autocomplete/"\
-H 'referer: http://localhost/'
Get the right address, first time, every time!
Reduce the number of clicks and shorten the customer journey by suggesting the address and filling in multiple fields in a single click.
Our address autofill API automatically insert the right sections of the address in the right fields, even before it enters your IT systems.

Where and how to implement Localities API?
Our algorithm can be associated with a map but also behind a form or search field easily.
The system automatically organises address data and makes manual entries easier than ever for the end user!
You can also query our Localities API and its rich location database for address cleansing only.

With Royal Mail data in the UK
Address and postcode finder in the UK with Localities API
- Search and autofill 30 million addresses from the Royal Mail PAF & MR datasets: it’s so comprehensive, you can even search for names and numbers of buildings and premises.
- Retrieve addresses, at flat level accuracy, associated with the UK's 1.8 million postcodes
- Retrieve geographic coordinates with rooftop accuracy.

Test autocomplete on a UK address
Type in a UK address
Type in an address
curl "https://api.woosmap.com/localities/autocomplete/?\
-H 'referer: http://localhost/'
Data from the postal reference system in France with Localities API
- 25 million addresses from the national French database
- 250,000 locations, covering every municipality in France

Test autocomplete on an address in France
Saisir une adresse française
Saisir une adresse
curl "https://api.woosmap.com/localities/autocomplete/?\
-H 'referer: http://localhost/'
"Happy to use Woosmap. A quality software product.
Woosmap helps us reduce customer address input errors which would require lengthy manual fixes or costly shipping errors. Woosmap saves us time, energy and money while increasing confidence in the data we collect off our customers. A great product."
"Happy to use Woosmap. A quality software product.
Woosmap helps us reduce customer address input errors which would require lengthy manual fixes or costly shipping errors. Woosmap saves us time, energy and money while increasing confidence in the data we collect off our customers. A great product."
A search-as-you-type solution with relevant results, every time
What is autocompletion?
Autocompletion is a feature you can add to your website or application that will automatically complete the address’s fields (while the user is typing) with the right information in the right field with the right format (for example: zip code, number, name of the street, name of the city…).Retrieve information easily and fill the right fields quickly.
In the search field the user will type the beginning of an address and get suggestions from a list. Then they’ll only have to select the right address which will either automatically add an address in the fields, or trigger a search when using latitude/longitude of the address.
It works for address lookup POIs, localities or postcode finder.
Note: autocomplete can aso be called autosuggest or autofil. All those terms design the same geolocation tool.
How can I integrate this into my website?
You can choose from a REST API, a JS Lib and a widget to help you with your implementation.
View our Developer’s Documentation for more information.
What is the coverage and accuracy of Woosmap address Finder?
The coverage is worldwide with the exceptions of China mainland, North and South Korea and Japan. The accuracy of a location is at the rooftop of the building for street address data, you can check the documentation to read more about it per countries.
Our service has the best data for France and the UK!
Which data I can retrieve for an address?
From the lookup, you will get the complete formatted address in the right country format and all the details about its different components (flat and floor level, street number, street name, postcode, city, country, district, etc. - when the data is relevant and available) and even the location of the address (his geographical coordinates) to be able to put it on a map.
How much cost the API?
The price will depend on your subscription, please, check pricing here.
For each subscription you have access to a certain number of credits. Credits are counted each time a query is made to a Woosmap API.
Autocomplete queries are counted and visible in Console's metrics. Nevertheless, those Autocomplete queries are not charged but you cannot use the data.
Detailed queries (to get detailed information associated with selected suggestion) are then charged according to the type of requested data. Not every query is worth the sames, it ranges from 0.1 to 5 credits per query.
Can Localities API find addresses with a phone number?
No, Localities API is not linked to any personal data such as names, surnames, or phone numbers. We developed Localities API for organisations seeking to enhance digital journeys on their platform only.